Who We Are
Class Essays.Com operates on absolute ethical grounds. It never views providing essay writing help to students as a business. On the other hand, it is a social service targeted to enhance the quality of teaching learning process. We aim at democratizing the very concept of essay writing service by providing writing help to the needy at a really affordable rate. As a result of this, even financially backward students can seek help from us. We focus on making quality essays available to students across the world fast and perfect.
Class Essays.Com is a community of professional writers who have years of experience in custom writing services. Excellent panel of writers are capable enough to undertake paper on any topic and deliver them on time.
The company was established in 2006 and throughout these years, we have written thousands of essays and dissertations across varied topics. We can proudly say that more than 95% of our customers are highly satisfied without service.
What We Do
We believe in the dictum, “Customer is King”. Also, we uphold academic integrity by providing non plagiarized quality papers at an affordable price. Compared to most other writing services, students find Class Essays.Com cheaper. Writers make no compromise with quality. This is the single major reason why we could emerge out as the most successful writing service in the essay writing industry.
As of now, we have 250 professional in house writers in our offices in USA and UK.
In addition to that, a number of professors from various universities in USA and UK work with us as part time writers. They mainly deal with dissertation orders so as to give the students with the most appropriate papers according to the latest trends and tendencies in academics.
The writers are proficient in several areas including,
Essays, Research papers , Term papers, Theses, Dissertations, Movie Review, Article Review, Book Review, Annotated bibliography, Creative Writing, Linguistics, Outlines, PowerPoint presentations, Letters