To write dissertations is not an easy task when comparing to other academic writing tasks as it requires a comprehensive research and critical analysis of data. Unlike other writing tasks, dissertation has two more important requirements. They are the dissertation proposal which should be submitted before the final dissertation and next is the introduction of the final dissertation. Now you may think that, most of the writing tasks require introduction, then what is special about the introduction of a dissertation? Yes, there is something special about the dissertation introduction writing. An introduction is one of the most important parts of a dissertation. Most of the academic format requires that introduction should be treated as a separate chapter in a dissertation. Your introduction has an important role in the determination of your final grade for the dissertation.
The following tips will explain, how to write dissertation introduction successfully and impressively.
- Every dissertation is an attempt to find an answer to a central question through a comprehensive research. So in the introduction to your dissertation, you should describe what is your topic or issue or in other words, should explain to the reader what you are going to investigate.
- Try to use simple language and words in introduction, when comparing to your following chapters. Your introduction should generate a strong interest in the mind of the readers to know what your investigation results are.
- Give a concise description about the topic and also make some references about the reasons for selecting such a topic and also why you are interested in such investigation. Also include what are the scope and limitations of your study.
- In the introduction part, you have to explain the reader that, why you are thinking that, your problem of the dissertation need be solved.
- In the introduction of your dissertation, don’t forget to describe the nature and purpose of your research. You can also state about your hopes and final results you predict from your investigation.
- It will be better if you mention about the resources and method of data analysis which is going to be adopted for solving your problem.
- Don’t forget to include that, whom will get benefit from your research and investigation. And also try to add in what sense, your investigation will benefit them.
- It can be said that, your dissertation introduction will complete, if you include that how your research and investigation contribute to what is already known.
- At the final end of your introduction, you have to add the order of upcoming chapters of your dissertation with page numbers.