Essay writing is an art which requires great certain fundamental skills and in-depth knowledge. Therefore, a huge number of students skip the task and become satisfied with lower grades. However, this is not a desirable habit among the academic community. When a student gets out of the university, he should be able to write fine pieces of content on diverse matters. Only such people can shine in profession. As a result, academic writing tasks assigned from universities have multidimensional purposes. In addition to being a criterion for personal assessment, such tasks shape the professional in you. Hence, it is essential for every student to master writing skills at any cost. Here are certain workable tips which can make even a below average student attain good grades in evaluations.
The simple answer is to carry out academic assessment. However, the activity of writing opens up diverse opportunities for you. First of all, you master the basics of writing skill. On assigning each task, the professor will provide a detailed description on the dos and don’ts. Also, there will be an elaborate discussion on the formatting of the paper. All these make you well versed in the art of academic writing before long. In addition to that, you get to know about the assigned topic keenly. In order to write an essay on a specific topic, you may need to read several articles related to it. This can make you knowledgeable. You learn to browse the internet to fetch scholarly articles and choose the appropriate books from libraries. In short, academic assignments bring you to the world of reading and writing.
Once you are assigned with a topic, it would be foolish to start writing all of a sudden. On the other hand, there are a lot of procedures you need to follow before writing a single word. The first step is to read the instructions again and again. Get a clear idea on what the paper should contain exactly. If you have any doubts, meet the professor at once. Clarify the doubts and make a plan in the mind on the diverse points you are going to include in the paper. However, the time has not yet come to take the pen and paper. This is the thinking period and you can put your brain on work until you come up with certain great ideas to research and write. Check the class notes and find if the professor had told anything on the assigned topic. Also, it is mandatory to for you to find time for the writing activity right from the moment you get the paper requirement.
Reading is the key to knowledge. The students of the twenty first century have the added advantage of having any information in their finger tip. At the same time, there are plenty of chances to get cheated. Not all the information you get from the internet can be trusted. The virtual world is a huge heap of filthy garbage as well. You need to be more cautious to find out the gems in it. One easy step is to reply upon Google scholar to refer to articles. Also, you can definitely seek help from those who have a professional outlook in handling academic activities. In the same manner, you must make use of the library resources as well. Your university library will definitely have a good number of books on your area of specialization. Referring to such books is safer compared to browsing in the sense that most of the books would be trustworthy. But never forget the fact that the internet is a very useful platform for you if you are sensible enough to surf it in the right way.
You are not supposed to read the whole books and articles like you do with fiction. Make sure that you take down notes. This is an important skill each student has to attain. What you have read need not remain in your mind for a long time. However, if you have taken down the notes, it is certain that you will remember it forever. It is advisable that you keep a small note book for such purpose. Write the basic details of the book or article on the top. Bullet points would be fine for this. Also, you can write down your own ideas into it. This will lead you to the preparation of the most important part of your essay writing process- the making of the draft. Follow the below tips
No need to mention the importance of drafts to a student who has undergone the process of essay writing at least once in academic period. Most of the professors insist students to prepare a draft before writing a single word of the actual essay paper. The academic world is highly particular about the draft because it leads a student to come up with a perfect essay. You can divide the whole content into different sections and give each part titles. Mark the areas where you would like to add quotes. Once you prepare the draft, you can read it with a critical angle. Such a close reading would make you understand any mistakes or changes you need to carry out in the paper. If you are able to prepare a good draft, it is certain that you will be able to submit a good quality paper.
A superior quality essay paper must contain the opinions of experts on your chosen topic. In order to make your arguments convincing, you have to add direct quotes throughout the text. However, make sure that you quote from relevant texts by famous authors only. Borrowing lines from a below standard text would spoil your paper. Also, be careful to limit the quote within two or three lines. Long quotes always make the readers feel dissatisfied. What the evaluators want is your ideas supported by the opinions of other great people. You can make your paper appealing only if you add quotes cautiously and logically.
Evaluators will never sympathize with any mistakes in your paper. If you submit a paper, it is not supposed to contain even a single mistake. If the professor spots any, it is certain that your paper will get a lower grade. As a result, great care has to be paid in order to eliminate all kinds of errors from your paper. Certain tips to make your paper 100% error free are given below.
The above logical steps would apparently make your paper a great one. However, students cannot always stick onto the above procedures due to the unavailability of time. Also, it happens that students are not able to write in an academic language. In such circumstances, it is recommended that you may seek the help of top rated custom essay writing services.
The academic world has always been very particular about the issue of plagiarism in essays and dissertations. However, in the olden days, there was no option to check plagiarism at all. With the advancement in technology, there are highly developed systems to check plagiarism. Universities and colleges never accept any papers without checking the papers for plagiarism through anti-plagiarism software. Sometimes, students are trapped even though they have not committed any mistakes intentionally. However, such issues can be resolved by citing the paper appropriately. You may borrow ideas from others. But everything should be written in your own words and sentences. We strongly recommend you to eliminate any trace of plagiarism in your paper because were several instances in which students got sacked due to submitting plagiarized content.
This is a crucial section of your paper. You should include all the texts, articles, magazines, news papers and web pages you have used in this section. The citation style may vary according to the requirement from your professor. Be sure to stick on to the paper format which includes MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard and Turabian. Corresponding in text citation also is mandatory throughout the paper. If you have taken any idea from any authors, it is your moral obligation to acknowledge it. In text citation can considerably reduce the instances of unintentional plagiarism. If you have any confusion with regard to adding the list of references in the given citation style, you can always get professional help from essay writing experts online. They would given you customized essay writing help at free of cost.
Once you follow the above mentioned systematic procedures, you need not worry about low grades at all. Realize the fact that you deserve to win and emerge out successful in professional life as well. Customized essay writing help from expert writers will boost the real student in you. Don’t forget that the internet is a haven of frauds. At the same time, there are gems too.