
The prices start from $8, which is the lowest in the industry

One of the main attractions of is that it charges really affordable prices for all academic papers

Price Calculator

Word Count : 250
 Academic Level
Dead LineHigh SchoolUndergraduateGraduate/CollegeMasters/PostgraduatePhD/Doctoral
14 Days$ 8.4$ 9.49$ 10.08$ 13.44$ 15.54
12 Days$ 8.57$ 9.68$ 10.28$ 13.71$ 15.85
10 Days$ 9.07$ 10.25$ 10.89$ 14.52$ 16.78
8 Days$ 10.08$ 11.39$ 12.1$ 16.13$ 18.65
7 Days$ 10.5$ 11.87$ 12.6$ 16.8$ 19.43
6 Days$ 10.92$ 12.34$ 13.1$ 17.47$ 20.2
5 Days$ 11.76$ 13.29$ 14.11$ 18.82$ 21.76
4 Days$ 12.6$ 14.24$ 15.12$ 20.16$ 23.31
3 Days$ 13.44$ 15.19$ 16.13$ 21.5$ 24.86
2 Days$ 14.28$ 16.14$ 17.14$ 22.85$ 26.42
24 Hours$ 16.8$ 18.98$ 20.16$ 26.88$ 31.08
12 Hours$ 23.1$ 26.1$ 27.72$ 36.96$ 42.74
8 Hours$ 25.62$ 28.95$ 30.74$ 40.99$ 47.4