After completing the school, if you are intending to join a college for your higher studies, then you cannot skip the task of college application essay. Most of the colleges select their new students on the basis of these application essays submitted by the students before the admission process. Sometimes, you may have to write on a topic which is already given by the authorities or you have to write about any formative experiences you have had in your life. Whatever the topic is, the only thing you should have to keep in mind is that, how you could impress the admission authorities. Your application essay should be an answer for the question that, why the authorities are irresistible to give you an admission to their college. College application essay writing is an art of presenting and arranging your knowledge, interest, abilities and experiences.
The following steps will definitely help you to write application essay successfully.
Introduction is an unavoidable part of every essay. “Introduction” of your essay determines, whether the reader have to continue or not on your writing. Remember that, admission officers would spend a few minutes on each essay before them. In between such a short time, your essay introduction should grab their attention and should insist them for continue reading. Your introduction must be an appeal to their emotions and at the same time it should attach with the subject matter of your essay.
Be Yourself
Your college application essay should be your own description about yourself. Don’t try to copy other’s application essays. Make your essay a unique piece of writing. You have to think about how can you distinguish yourself from other applicants and how can you present your achievements and goals distinctively. Be specific and maintain a positive and confident tone throughout your writing.
Choose a Concise Form
In most of the cases, the word limit for your application essay would be provided by the authorities itself. Don’t go beyond such limit, it will definitely question the patience of the reader. Students often have the tendency to describe each and everything about their past life. Don’t make the authorities get bored by describing your childhood sport achievements and picnics.
Show Your Writing Ability
Give a great attention on spelling of the words you have used and the grammatical structure of your sentences. Don’t go beyond the word limit provided, at the same time your word count should not be less than the required limit.
Without an editing, you cannot submit an impressive personal statement or admission essay. Continuous reading of your final draft is the first step of editing. If you read aloud, you can easily understand your mistakes. You can also seek help of your parents and friends.