What is the Structure of College Essay Writing?

What is the Structure of College Essay Writing?

Behind every essay there is a strong creative effort. That’s why it is defined as one’s creative and emotional approach on certain subjects. Most of the essays are descriptive. But on a very careful analysis we can understand that every essay is some kind of art; the art of converting ideas into arguments. Every author is trying to prove that his/her view on a subject is true. Generally every type of essay consists of mainly three parts. They are: 1) introduction 2) body of the essay and 3) conclusion.

Among these structures, introduction and conclusion are static parts of an essay. It will not change according to the topic or nature of the topic. But the ideas, view points, arguments you include in the body part determines the uniqueness of your essay. No doubt that, writing college essay is a difficult job. That’s why most of the students approach custom essay writing services by saying that, please write my essay to avoid risks. The reason behind this difficulty is that most of the students are not aware about the correct essay writing format.

Here you are provided with the structure of a college essay.


It is already said that, introduction is the first and the static part of every essay. So it must be arresting and should attract the attention of the readers. It may be a piece of news, an interesting small story, or your own special experiences which is significant to the topic; it will better to add if there is any historical background to your topic. Whatever you used, it should lead to the subject and generates an interest in the mind of the readers to read your essay completely.


This is the main part of the essay where you can express your ideas and arguments. This part has no specific structure. This is the part where the writers can enjoy their freedom. You can present your ideas in descriptive or argumentative style. But the condition is that your arguments should supported by valid evidences. You must show the readers that, why your claims are so important. You have to foreseen and defeat the counter arguments of the reader in this part. Adopt a style and tone according to your topic.


Conclusion is the last and third most part of the essay. You have to write an effective conclusion. Summarize your ideas in the conclusion. Don’t introduce any new point or views in the conclusion. This is the last part where you get one more chance to affirm your views and arguments and suggestions if any in short words.